Snails is just starting to come out of his shell in the music industry. He is currently touring the United States though December. Snails began to release tracks in 2012 and emerged at the Decadance festival Colorado in 2014, he just came off of Lost Lands Festival in Ohio and has been everywhere in between.
Snails has a unique sound but primarily attracts bassheads. He strives to put deep relatable stories behind his music and albums in order to really connect with his audience.
Regarding his music label, Snails tells “I want to work with the artists themselves to really develop their vision and their world through Slugz Music and my help. I’m looking to build a family with Slugz and have everybody really be unique in their own world. The goal is to push the envelope as much as we can, both musically and through their visions.”
We are looking forward to see some amazing upcoming artists under him and his team.

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